Just a quick one this week since I'm coming off one trip and I'm headed out on the next one in a few minutes. Busy, busy, busy but glad to be dealing with a hectic schedule now instead of later when I'm too big to move around so easily!
It's week 20 now and I'm officially halfway through which is crazy, cool and totally exciting all at the same time. Can't believe baby will be here in only a few months. Makes me nervous about being ready. Then again, we've got a whole season to go through before that happens (summer, the best time to be hugely pregnant - not! :P) so with my uber-organized husband, I know we'll get things whipped into shape around here and be ready on D-Day.
As you can see, we have new ultrasound pics. According to the U/S technician and the doctor, everything with baby is 100% great and perfect and just where they want to see it. Baby is measuring just right, my placenta is placed in a good spot, cervix is closed as it should be and fluid is plentiful. (That excessive water drinking habit I've had all my life is finally paying off!) Our visit with the doc was extremely brief because there just wasn't much to go over. Everything looks great and so far, there isn't concern over anything.
As for me personally, the baby bump is finally starting to look more belly than fat. I might even have Johann take a few photos in the next few weeks. He seemed very tickled yesterday when I showed him that the baby belly was really, finally happening. He's too adorable. :)
I have, unfortnately, started into the swollen ankles portion of the pregnancy, though. That so far is the only real negative to report. It helps if I sit with my feet elevated for a few hours, though, and I did expect this to happen since I don't have the best circulation anyway and I have a history of edema. So far, it's totally manageable. Just hoping it stays that way.
My next doctor appointment is June 29th which is supposed to be routine so likely there won't be too much to report after that. The following one, four weeks after, they'll do my glucose/diabetes test so we'll see what happens with that.
Alright, out the door now!!
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